Getting Started with Homeschooling
Curious about homeschooling? How to get started? What's it like? Does it work? Will I ruin my kids? Can I handle it? So many questions,...

8 Awesome Family Traditions to Build Stronger Families
One of the keys to having a strong family is to have strong family traditions. The rituals we develop together with our spouses, kids,...

Extraordinary People - Cherie Norton
Today I'd like to introduce you to my friend Cherie Norton, who leads one of the most fascinating lives of anyone I know, following her...

7 Things to Look For in a Partner
The fairytale dream is to find your prince, ride off into the sunset, and live happily ever after. If it were only as easy as fitting...

Extraordinary People - Maria Rabaino
I have known Maria's family for many years, and when tragedy struck, I was amazed at how she was able to transform something that for...

Things My Mother Taught Me
This is the first Mothers' Day that I will not be able to call my mother and wish her well, as the angels called her home last summer. I...

Extraordinary People - Ash Greyson
This week I am profiling Ash Greyson, who with his gorgeous wife Mindy has a beautiful family of 7 children whom they homeschool. Ash...

Extraordinary Lives - Emily and Ernestine
I met the most fascinating woman while I was doing my laps at the pool. I saw her walk in. I could tell by her gait that she was up there...

Super Tasty, Super Healthy Smoothie!
I love smoothies! Smoothies make the world go round. Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating a little, but they're pretty awesome. Most commercial...

Change Your Diet, Change Your Life (and how John Elway ruined my diet!)
As they say (whoever "they" are), you are what you eat. And it's amazing how what you eat can affect your mind, your mood, your energy...