Creating a Beautiful Wedding with Wedding Planner Donna Smith!
When my daughter Christina told me that Donna was going to be her wedding planner, I was thrilled. I knew she would make it an event fit for

Dealing with Overwhelm
There are times when I feel so overwhelmed that I want to just crawl under the bed and hide! The first time I remember feeling this really s

How to Keep Your Home Clean and Clutter Free
Unfortunately, it's easy to let clutter build up and then start letting the cleaning slide. Don't let that happen to you! If that

My Valentine's Day Anniversary!
We have truly lived our vows: for better and for worse, in sickness and in health, for richer and for poorer, til death do we part. Love is

From Siblings to Squad
One of the things I'm most heartened by is that my eleven kids are not just siblings; they are a squad. While they each, of course, have

Celebrating Christmas in a Large Family Cimorelli-Style
Christmas is our favorite holiday! Between the Christmas decorations, cutting down a tree, putting up lights, making Christmas cookies,...

Holidays in a Large Family - Favorite Recipes
What would the holidays be without the smells of cinnamon, apples, and a turkey or ham cooking? Through 30 years of marriage and 11 kids,...

Adulting 101
Hey - you're an adult now! Congratulations! You moved out on your own, out from under mom and dad's tyrannical rule, and now you can stay...

An Attitude of Gratitude - The Importance of Giving Thanks
Thanksgiving comes once a year, and it's a wonderful time to reflect on our blessings and give thanks. But should we only give thanks...

The Multi-Tasking Mom of Many - Secrets to Efficiency
Multi-tasking is the lifeblood of a mom, especially in a large family. While there is evidence to support the idea that multi-tasking is...